Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Craziest Costumes on the Block

Everyone’s on the lookout for the right costume this Halloween, and with all the great ensembles out there, sometimes the pressure can be a little overwhelming. But here to distract you from the stress of your costume search are a series of strange and scintillating outfits from Halloweens past. Sure to shock, amaze, and inspire, here’s our collection of Craziest Halloween Costumes. 

They say that real men wear pink – if so, this guy takes the cake for manliest man ever. He goes all out in his bizarre monkey costume, utilizing a stunning array of patterns and baubles to create something between a messenger for the Wicked Witch of the West, and I Dream of Jeannie.

Sure, we all find McDonald’s a little scary, but this costume takes such a concept to a whole new level. Leaving behind the safety of chemicals and cholesterol, it opens up a terrifying world of hamburger horrors with its super-creepy facial features and subtly proportioned scythe.

The pirate is a classic, but everyone has a different take on it. Here, Jamie Lee Curtis leaves no holds barred with a larger-than-her-body headpiece, and a plethora of scarves and buckles (and of course, the essential parrot). An impressive ensemble; kudos to Jamie for not falling over with all that weight on her head.

Not only did this guy make a Hostess cupcake costume (inside which he sits contentedly), but he made it out of fake fur. What else is there to say?

This spectacular butterfly costume involves no fabric at all – only balloons and body paint. That’s right, it’s a balloon costume. Made by a man who specializes in inflatable attire, this outfit will surely be the center of attention at any Halloween party. Sitting down is not advised.

By: Izzy Walsh

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